Sunday, 8 December 2013

Old North Church - Boston - Sunday morning

This morning found both choir and orchestra tucked away in the gallery of Boston's Old North Church. Famous as a cradle of the Revolution (a big misunderstanding in my humble British opinion), this 1723 building houses the oldest Episcopalian (Anglican) congregation in Boston and one of the oldest congregations in the United States. When we consider that Sydney's oldest church building, St. James, King Street dates from almost a century after Old North, it places the development of both British colonies in clear historical context. The church this morning was erected when Bach and Handel were at the height of their creative powers. The orchestra performed with its usual aplomb, and facing off across the building the thirty Barker singers were able to observe at close quarters the vocal style of a small American choral ensemble, embodied in the fourteen voice Old North Choir.

The strings provided a prelude to the service in the form of the four violas playing their movement of a Telemann Concerto, and the entire ensemble performing the Corelli Christmas Concerto. A great performance from all the strings under less than optimal performing conditions.

I was allowed a special moment. Having recently composed a version of Charles Wesley's moving Advent hymn "Lo! He comes with clouds descending" this morning saw its world premiere on this the second Sunday of Advent. I hadn't realised at the time but Old North was a preaching stop on one of Wesley's trips to America. I'm deeply appreciative to our students for indulging me as both composer and conductor and once again they did Barker proud.

Our final item was our emotional party piece "What Sweeter Music" by John Rutter. This deceptively difficult work gets better every time our students perform it and the congregation remained in their place as we concluded the service in restrained and glorious harmony.

And now we sit and wait at Boston's South Railway Station awaiting our train to New York and all that awaits. More to come shortly.

Mr Ellis

ps: One funny moment that appeals to me as a representative of the former colonial overlords. As Barker's tour party wound its way up the streets of Boston's Old North district in their tour finery, a grizzled old American stuck his head out of the door of a deli to yell "The Redcoats are Coming". Yes indeed they are my friends, and if I'd been in charge back then things would have turned out differently let me tell you. God save the Queen!

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Great to wake up to photos and news. Sunny and 30 degrees here if that helps! Thanks for the kids blogs. Some real comedians amongst them. Enjoy New York.